Saturday, March 15, 2008

Say Hello to Cohen Ray! (And some other stuff too)

So we found out we're having a boy!!! (Yeah, I know it's old news for most...but what can I say, I suck at blogging. So whatever, man. Get off my back. Geez.) Here's a couple pics - I'm not going to post the one's that show the necessary evidence for gender determination...that just seems a little weird. But we went to one of those 3d ultrasound places, and while these pictures aren't all that clear, the video was pretty cool. I think Jess has more on her myspace.

And since I'm posting old, outdated news, I might as well fill you in on our Valentine's day...a month ago. First of all, the night before, my wife somehow managed to "borrow" my keys, lift my building access card from my briefcase, hide decorations in a "bag of thrift store stuff", and totally sell me on a "going to the store" story. The end result was that I showed up to work the next morning to find my desk looking like this:

Quite frankly, Jess generally sucks at being sneaky, so needless to say I was very impressed. (And the whistling monkey and balloon are still on my desk.) As for dinner plans, Jess unfortunately had to work that night, and she didn't know when she would be off, so reservations were out of the question. So I decided it would be best to do dinner at home. (on a side note, Jess has a new job now at Kindercare that she totally loves, and she works M-F 8-6:30....Glory Hallelujah and Amen.) But anyway, I was running late due to large crowds at the grocery store, and we didn't end up eating till after 10:00 - but I think I pulled it off....

First things first, you have to set the mood with some music...

Here's my lovely wife perusing the night's menu. (And yes, that's only sparkling cider on the table for prego.)

What was on the menu? Well, the appetizer was mashed potatoes with herbs, and sauteed garlic asparagus.

The entree was a dish called "Halibut Olympia" - a totally unhealthy yet delicious way to eat halibut with a sour cream and breaded topping mixture.

And for dessert, chocolate lava cakes (not home made) with vanilla ice cream (not home made) and a strawberry sauce (home made). Although the strawberry sauce thickened up during dinner more than I expected, so when I attempted to drizzle, it kind of just splattered. Looks like a slasher was on the loose in my kitchen during dessert. But it was an excellent sauce nonetheless.

And here's a picture from the end of our dinner - Me with a double chin, and my wife with a new 8G Ipod Nano. What can I say, I'm pretty much the best husband in the world.