Saturday, October 25, 2008

Catching Up

Obviously I've been neglecting this blog for a while, so I figured it was time for an update. Not that anyone's been missing much...

I've been swamped at work - basically just scrambling every day and resigning myself to the fact that I will never actually get caught up. Which is depressing, since my goal was to get ahead before I took a bunch of vacation time for Christmas. We will be up in Idaho from the 17th of December until the 5th of January, so that's a pretty good chunk of time and I'm looking forward to it.

Other than work, I haven't been doing much. Mostly just hanging around the house and trying to keep up with Cohen...he keeps us both pretty busy. Sure, I have lots I should be doing. For example my car's not really running right now (Vivian, not the Olds) so I should work on her, but by the time the weekend rolls around, I always just feel like I need to recover from the week and I never get very motivated.

I've been having a really good time watching the Ray's kick tail all the way to the World Series. I'm definitely a bandwagon fan, but I'm okay with that. I'm glad I can have an AL team to root for this year, instead of just whatever team happens to be playing against New York or Boston. It's just nice to see a well run, young, small market team turn it around so quickly and have success. They are an extremely well built organization, and are easy to pull for. It gives me hope. In related news, the M's announced their new GM pick this week, Jack Zduriencik. He's not the complete new approach I was hoping for, but it's definitely a step in the right direction. And I figure they can only improve from here.

I've been meaning for a while to start a semi-regular series of posts highlighting all the great music that I've been listening to. Seems like I'm always getting turned on to something new via Pandora, or just recommendations from friends - I thought I'd just pick some of my favorites and share them. So perhaps I'll get the first one up later today... But until then, I have a poopy diaper to go change.

(Cohen's, not mine.)