Tuesday, January 1, 2008

The "Big" News

Well, here you have it. For those of you who haven't heard through the proverbial grape vine (which actually moves faster than high-speed internet in many parts of North Idaho)...we are officially prego. Well, Jess is at least - I haven't shown any symptoms yet. I would elaborate on this momentous occasion and all of it's grave and joyous trappings, but I'm afraid it really hasn't sunk in yet. And it probably won't for me until the baby comes - which is theoretically supposed to happen August 9th, meaning Jess is about 8 weeks along right now. We weren't planning this yet, but we are excited nonetheless. Excited, content, and quite overwhelmed with a vague air of confusion and paranoia thrown in for good measure. I guess that's nothing out of the usual for me. Jess, on the other hand, mostly just feels nausea right now. We're both hoping that passes soon. So Happy New Year to all! I know ours is sure to be filled with excitement, hard work, and lots of decisions.........
Holy crap. We're having a baby.


Nikky said...

Congrats again!

Lani said...

News only travels faster than high speed internet when it's EXCITING news like my baby brother becoming a daddy! :>)